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Services To Meet Your Specific Needs:

  • Child and Adolescent Therapy
  • Individual Therapy for Adults
  • Trauma Focused Therapy

Service Descriptions

Child and Adolescent Therapy

I work with children as young as age 2. In my work with children and teens I utilize art and play therapy techniques, along side talk therapy. Art and play techniques assist children and teens in learning and utilizing words, along side their behaviors, to express their thoughts, feelings, needs and experiences. I will work closely with you and your child to facilitate and strengthen your child's growth and achievement of identified goals, as well as strengthen relationships and connections with others.

Common child/adolescent presenting issues:

  • defiance
  • disruptive behaviors at home and/or school
  • declining grades
  • mood instability
  • anxiety and/or depression
  • divorce/separation; blended/blending families
  • difficulty with siblings/peers
  • substance abuse
  • risk-taking behaviors and/or threats of suicide

Individual Therapy for Adults

Our time together is tailored to your needs and your desired goals. I provide a safe, compassionate, and non-judging environment, aimed at facilitating your growth. I believe that understanding along side learning tools and strategies will help you manage symptoms, alleviate stress and face challenges ~ and ultimately will help you experience an improved quality of life and relationship(s).

Common presenting issues: 

  • anxiety and/or depression
  • difficulty managing emotions
  • conflictual relationships and desire to improve those relationships
  • loss of a loved one (human or pet)
  • unresolved pain of the past
  • divorce/separation
  • parenting issues
  • phase of life changes (i.e., starting a family, launching children, career change)

Trauma Focused Therapy

The impacts of any traumatic experience can often have a lasting effect on a your thinking, behaviors and your overall coping. I will assist you in making sense of what has happened, understand the impacts of your specific trauma, learn strategies for self-regulating and taking back control of your life.

Common presenting issues: 

  • intrusive and unwelcome thoughts or recollections of an event
  • attempting to avoid any thoughts, reminders or recollection of the event/circumstances
  • disruptions to eating, sleeping and/or thinking
  • states of alarm and/or startling easily
  • feeling easily agitated and/or annoyed
  • feeling detached and disconnected from others and/or daily living
  • changes in your closest relationships - withdrawing, isolating and/or shutting others out
  • experiencing an overall sense of hopeless regarding the future.

Areas of

Treatment Specialty

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief & Loss  (i.e., loss of loved one, loss of mobility/health, loss of marriage/family, job loss, death of pet)
  • Trauma / PTSD
  • Divorce / Separation
  • Relationship Issues (i.e., martial, parental, peer, work)
  • Child / Adolescent Behavior Problems
  • Chronic / Terminal Illness
  • Attachment / Attachment Disruptions
  • Adoption
  • Parenting
  • Family Conflict
  • Stage of Life Challenges(i.e., entering job market, sandwich generation, empty nest, confusion of college-age, adolescence & peer difficulties/pressures)

25050 Peachland Avenue, Suite 250      Newhall, CA.   91321              Phone:   (661) 236-8925             Email:

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